Dr. Aaron Henkel, ND
Aaron Henkel, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and founder of the Family Clinic of Natural Medicine in Madison, WI.
Dr. Rebecca Georgia
Rebecca Georgia, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, focusing on women’s health, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.
Dr. Robert Coleman
Robert Coleman Jr., ND, LMT, practices integrative medicine, environmental toxicology, and naturopathic psychiatry.
Dr. Eric Kurzinski, DC
Eric Kurzinski, DC, is a Wisconsin licensed chiropractor specializing in children’s chiropractic care, with attention to behavioral solutions.
Quality Sourcing
Lively Vitamin Co is NSF certified and only sources the best ingredients. Our raw materials are thoroughly vetted for quality and efficacy.
Proven Formulas
Each blend has been scientifically researched and crafted by experts to bring you the very best combinations of nutrients in their purest forms! Each batch is third party tested for quality and Certificates of Analysis are available for full transparency.
Superior Results
Our commitment to quality, safety, and purity mean that our products are infused with superior ingredients and therefore, can deliver superior results. You’ll find the proof in YOUR positive outcomes.